News from the frontier

I’m on a boat in Alaska. I don’t know why I’m telling you that, but I made mention of it a while ago and people asked for updates. I don’t know if those people really meant it or not. But this is an update.

It’s raining. A lot. Apparently that’s what it does here.

And there is a lady I keep running into that looks like Keith Richard. I am assuming that she is gay. I could be wrong.

That’s about it, really. There’s nothing much else to report.

I‘m not very good at being American and that seems to be what’s expected here. Even though I’ve been to America maybe 500 times I’ve never really got the hang of it.

This foreign world

This floating room

The tide it takes me to my doom

Don’t know my place

Don’t know the rules

A captive on this ship of fools

18 thoughts on “News from the frontier

    1. I submitted some absolute garbage about 2 hours into it and never returned to it. Frankly, I would prefer that I had submitted nothing – I do have SOME artistic pride. But I will definitely have a swing at the second one. I will be reading your entry soon, I hope. You most certainly will not be reading mine.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. 😀 I’m sure it’s not that bad! Besides, you only had a few hours to work on it! I’m glad you got something submitted!! YAY!!


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