NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge 2019

Here we go again …

Why do I keep doing this?

It’s difficult to be precise about these things but my own assessment is that this is my worst effort thus far. I wait patiently now for the judges to confirm that opinion.

It is supposed to be Historical Fiction/Redundancy/A Money Lender

The Loan Diaries

9 thoughts on “NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge 2019

  1. This is a tour de force, sir. Don’t you DARE go all toe-in-the-sand awshucks at me, this is an amazing piece of writing.
    It has structure, pacing, a certain wry humor (not unlike Robert Parker’s characters), and a sense of reality. Bravo, bravo, bravo.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Brilliant writing! Love the structure of the story, the detailed account of the events in Vietnam and later in the bank. The characters, their physical description and their behavior are well-studied. I also like the little touch of humor in the story.


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